Squall's Blood Type


In most Western countries you normally wouldn't ask someone about their blood type. Well, in Japan, people evaluate other people by their blood type-what kind of personality they have, what jobs they would be best suited for, ect. At least that's what I've read, so I might be wrong ^_^;. I got this information from My Obsession.


Squall's Blood Type: AB

[Humanists] These people are full of contradictions. They're efficient and great at rational thinking, they're good at solving problems, and they're good critics and analysts, very aware of the world that surrounds them; but they can seem to be cold-hearted, aloof, and standoffish, sometimes even vain. They are unpredictable; it's hard to get to know them. They value reason more than emotion, but paradoxically value the feelings of others and try to be useful to them. They are sentimental and moody; they often wish to be at harmony with society, but usually feel distant from it. They need their space, and they often need time to be alone. They are overachievers, and are very strict with themselves and with those close to them. They're sociable, sensitive, brilliant, intellectual, well organized, resourceful, dramatic, and passionate. However, they're short-tempered; they can quickly sink to fighting with others and with themselves. They can also be reluctant to use the full extent of their considerable abilities.



All very true stuff, except for the unpredictable part. There were at least three times in the game where people finished Squall's sentences for him ^_^. Oh, and also the parts about being sociable, dramatic, and passionate-Squall's kinda...antisocial and reserved.


Name Analysis

I'm sure you've seen these everywhere...but it's a shrine, so it's appropriate ^_^. I got it from Kabalarians.

"The name of Squall indicates you are a diligent and persevering worker who enjoys a routine occupation where you can do a job well and finish what you start. You like to work at your own speed, without pressure, as you prefer to take your time to work step by step in your own way. You could become frustrated and thwarted in your efforts if too many changes or disruptions occur. Also, you do not appreciate people enforcing new methods or ideas on you, as you like to examine all the details before making changes. It is difficult for you to be spontaneous and affectionate with those close to you, as suitable words and actions do not come to mind quickly. In association your tendency to state your mind simply and clearly, without diplomacy or finesse, can lead to awkwardness or embarrassment. Your fondness for excess quantities of heavy, starchy foods could cause stomach or intestinal disorders; you could also suffer with head tension, affecting the eyes, ears, sinus, throat, or loss of hair."


Squall was really, REALLY obsessed with following orders and doing his job right o_o. He also disliked it when he was made the commander of the Garden, and he hated having to make so many decisions so quickly (like when they were gonna initiate a fight with Galbadia Garden, he was like, "Oh no, what should I do...?").





Squaresoft doesn't call Squall a lone wolf for no reason ^_^. Here's an explanation to some of those "Why'd they do that?" moments in the game. I got the information from the Online Symbolism Dictionary.




Example: All those belts Squall wears *_*.


Meaning: The belt may either be worn as protection (like the chastity belt, being an allegory of virginity and implying the defensive morals of a person, 'the girding of the loins') or as decoration, but it is a lasting image of civilian and religious apparel throughout time. It may also be considered a symbol of deprivation or restriction, as in the monk's knotted rope, a notion which has been popularized with the expression "tightening one's belt." A belt may also signify strength, as it did with the Norse thunder god Thor, who’s strength doubled when he wore his. When associated with Venus, takes on erotic, fetish sense, especially with its location on the body -- a girl, wearing her belt twisted is in love.



Examples: Squall's outfit (primarily made up of black leather), and basically his whole outlook on life.


Meaning: Black represents a lack of color, the primordial void, emptiness. It can also mean sorrow or mourning, in the Christian tradition of wearing black to funerals. In this respect it can also symbolize death. Black is also linked to witchcraft (Black Magic), evil, and the unknown, as the predominant color worn by "evil witches" in colonial America. The stock market crash of 1929, dubbed "Black Tuesday" further links the color with loss, depression, and despair.




Examples: the color of Squall's eyes (sometimes), the ocean, and Balamb Garden.


Meaning: Blue is the color most often associated with issues of the spirit and intellect. It is the color of sky and heaven, also having strong connections with nearly all forms of water; for this reason it can have feminine, cool, and reflective qualities. Its link to the sky also connotes eternity and immensity, time and space. Blue may be truth (no clouds to hide it) and transparency; it is linked to loyalty, fidelity, constancy, and chastity. Many babies are born with blue eyes, thus innocence and purity can be attributed to the color. With relation to moon, can represent tender love, passive qualities, and deep wisdom. Also witchcraft; when lights burn blue there are ghosts about. According to Jung, is the opposite of red, enlarges a room but adds coldness.


Comments: Remember all the people who would just sit around and wax poetic near the ocean? I guess places that are primarily blue, especially the ocean, evoke the kinds of feelings mentioned above.




Example: the SeeD inauguration ceremony.


Meaning: Dance can signify joy, celebration, and/or possession by a higher power, be it good or evil. The act of dancing is also linked with rhythm and transforming time into motion. Group dances can be a form of prayer or reverence, and circular dance often mimic the circular motion of heavenly bodies and/or the revolution of the Earth around the sun. Often linked tightly with creation, hence its bond to magic.




Example: everybody has 'em ^_^. Besides that, there are a lot of close-ups of various characters' eyes...and of course, "Eyes on Me."


Meaning: Eyes are probably the most important symbolic sensory organ. They can represent clairvoyance, omniscience, and/or a gateway into the soul. Other qualities that eyes are commonly associated with are: intelligence, light, vigilance, moral conscience, and truth. Looking someone in the eye is a western custom of honesty. In this way covering of the eyes, by wearing a helmet, sunglasses, etc. can mean mystery, not seeing the complete truth, or deceit. However, in other cultural contexts the obscuring of the eyes can convey respect (Asian) or modesty and submission (many middle eastern women wear veils for this purpose). The eye often means judgment and authority...Different colors of the eyes carry different meanings: blue - a sign of being in love, innocence; green - jealousy, a sign of distrust, rarity; red - demonic, weeping, fury. Different numbers of eyes have different meanings as well: one - subhuman, divine omniscience, superhuman (usually negative); two - normality, both physically and spiritually; three - superhuman powers, can be either benevolent or malevolent; multiple - stars and darkness.




Examples: the flowers in the introduction scene, the field near the orphanage, Raine's hobby-growing and arranging them.


Meaning: The flower and the blossom are both universal symbols of young life. Flowers are associated with the sun, because the arrangement of its petals is reminiscent of the shape of a star; they may be innocent representatives of spring, or they may designate lust and the realm of the erotic. They are transitory, evoking a certain "joie de vivre," or an understanding of the fragile quality of childhood. The flower is often a representative of beauty. The color of the flower often has a great deal to do with the symbolism it carries; red is love and passion, white is innocence and blamelessness. Virtue, goodness and purity are three widely associated traits...Scattered flowers often mean joy, especially in context with rose bearers of a wedding.



Examples: the color of Squall's eyes (sometimes), and the color the sky turns in the storm in the intro (a squall is a passing storm...)


Meaning: Gray is often seen as neutral, depression, and humility. Ashes are usually grey in color, and therefore a natural correlation exists between the two. Christianity commonly views grey as symbolic of death of the body while the soul remains eternal. Hebrew tradition relates the color grey to wisdom.



Example: Squall's whole personality problem -_-.


Meaning: Ice is a frequently employed symbol within the genre of science fiction...it is a symbol of rigidity, frigidity, the waters of the earth as opposed to the fresh and living water of the fountain of Paradise. It is coldness, absence of love, difficult and unexplored territory not conducive to human life and life in general. With winter, the season of death. In Dante, a deep part of Hell. In psychology, the dividing line between the conscious and the unconscious.



Examples: part of the storm in the intro, and part of Quezacotl's attack.


Meaning: The bolt of lightning is a traditional symbol of sudden illumination and the destruction of ignorance; it also represents a punishment of humans by the gods from the skies, most commonly attributed to Zeus, king of the gods. In dreams, the lightning bolt is an image of sudden and terrible events and a symbol of intuition. Although it can carry negative connotation, lightning is also a form of divine message, honoring those chosen. Its shape allows phallic relations, and Jung sees lightning as liberating the soul.



Examples: Griever. Squall's obsession with him-there's pictures of him on Squall's ring, gunblade case, on the gunblade itself and a keychain of him attached to it. His last name (Leonhart=Lion Heart), his final weapon (Lionheart). Squall's talk to Rinoa about the ring, Squall's battle with Griever on Disk 4, and the song "Maybe I'm a Lion." Maybe that was a little too detailed o_o.


Meaning: The lion is a very diverse symbol. Its most common traits are: majesty, strength, courage, justice, and military might. It can be both solar and lunar. Commonly referred to as "the king of the beasts," it is a symbol of Kingly power and might, but as the lioness it is commonly related to the Great Mother and protection. In a Christian context, the lion can be the power and might of Christ, or the open maw of Satan. Greek myth links this beast to Heracles and his epic wrestling match with a supernatural lion, which no earthly weapon could harm. In this context the lion is death, beaten by the solar hero. After killing the lion with his bare hands, Heracles wore its skin as a sort of armor. As the opposite of the eagle, the lion can represent earth, as the presider over many floods he can represent fertility, and as a hellish beast he can represent the underworld. Relates to almost any proud, courageous characteristic. In psychology, the wild lion is the type of the latent passions, the dangers of the Unconscious. The parts of the lion carry different symbolism as well: carcase - connected with honey; head - care and vigilance; tooth - eternal and indestructible, Yeats; winged - fire.




Examples: Squall's necklace, Rinoa's necklace, Seifer's collar thing (?).


Meaning: The necklace indicates dignity and office, but is also a binding symbol; it is the threading together, or connection, between links. The beads are also men, animals, and all living things depending on, and being kept together by, the divine power.


Comments: Towards the end of the game, Rinoa's necklace has both Julia's and Squall's rings on them. Through her necklace, Rinoa is always bound to them.




Examples: Squall's (see 'Lion'), Rinoa's (in her necklace, along with Squall's later on), and Raine and Laguna's ^_^.


Meaning: The ring is a tangible manifestation of the circle; it represents infinity and eternity, divinity and life. The ring also represents power, dignity, sovereignty, and strength. Thus, to bestow a ring is to indicate a transference of power. As is exemplified by the traditional wedding ring, the object is also binding, as with husband and wife, or as a spiritual union with the Church itself.



Example: Seifer and Squall's weapons, obviously -_-.


Meaning: The sword symbolizes power, protection, authority, strength, and courage; metaphysically, it represents discrimination and the penetrating power of the intellect. The sword is phallic, with the sheath being yonic. It is a symbol of knighthood and chivalry. The flaming sword of the Christian ethos separates man from Eden. Many swords have magical properties and are given to heroes for the advancement of justice; Excalibur was given to Arthur by the lady of the lake, The Greek gods gave Perseus a sword that could cleave stone to defeat Medusa.




Example: Squall's nickname, "the Lone Wolf."


Meaning: The wolf figures frequently in fairy tales as the symbol of the enemy, of the menacing animal. It is evil, the devouring, fierce creature which haunts and stalks. Wolves are crafty, and in the Christian faith they are considered the spoilers of the flock. In psychology, the wolf represents untamed energies.

Comments: "Untamed energies" - Squall would become dangerous if he was provoked enough. I bet "spoilers of the flock" have nothing to do with bad sports, but if I remember correctly, Squall spoiled everyone's fun a few times.